Selecting Worship Songs, A Guide for Worship Leaders
Song Integration
I lead worship weekly at Harris Creek Church. We recommend introducing a maximum of twelve songs a year. In most instances, it takes a congregation at least three times to be able to sing a new song with confidence.
When introducing a new song, play it during worship two Sundays in a row, take a break one week and then do it once more the following week.
After that, if your congregation is not singing it well, remove it from your song rotation.
When brainstorming new songs to introduce, pay attention to what your congregation, staff, and team is learning via radio, Spotify, etc. The congregation will be more receptive to songs they are already singing in their everyday life, outside of church.
Song Selection
When selecting a new song, take an ancient/modern approach. Keep the best of the old and embrace the best of the new. If a song has been around for 400 years, there is probably a reason! You should be singing it!
Things to Consider When Choosing Songs
1) Does the song serve the overall theme of the service and/or sermon? (Lent, Advent, liturgical calendar, sermon series)
2) Is the song theologically sound? Is the song about the Gospel?
3) Does the song resonate with your people?
4) Does the song receive positive feedback from staff and congregants?
Lastly, KNOW YOUR WHY. Make sure you have purpose and intentionality for every song you sing.